Employer Information Lutheran Income Protection Plan
LIPP Brochure
LIPP Forms
LIPP Member Application form including Payroll Deduction Authority available to download
2015/2016 Tax Deduction Reminder form available for download (PDF) or download (Word)
Employer 'New Staff' example letter available for download
LIPP Decline form available for download
LIPP Cancellation form available to download
2015/2016 Tax Deduction Reminder form available for download (PDF) or download (Word)
Employer 'New Staff' example letter available for download
LIPP Decline form available for download
LIPP Cancellation form available to download
Online Contributions
Employers will receive an email generated by GLIA each month. This email contains a link to the Employer Online Contribution site (ECO). ECO allows employers access to their LIPP members list, add LIPP contributions and update member data each month.
Due date for LIPP Online figures (ECO) and eft of LIPP contributions is always the 20th of the following month. (i.e. May's Online figures and EFTare due by the 20th June). Please diarise to complete your LIPP returns by the due date each month, as we have processing dates to meet with the insurer.
How To Use ECO. Guide to using the LIPP Online System available for download
Set-up information for LIPP Online System It's important to ensure that your system is set up to allow best performance and full functionality of ECO. Instructions here
Due date for LIPP Online figures (ECO) and eft of LIPP contributions is always the 20th of the following month. (i.e. May's Online figures and EFTare due by the 20th June). Please diarise to complete your LIPP returns by the due date each month, as we have processing dates to meet with the insurer.
How To Use ECO. Guide to using the LIPP Online System available for download
Set-up information for LIPP Online System It's important to ensure that your system is set up to allow best performance and full functionality of ECO. Instructions here
Online Site Helps
Are you having trouble accessing ECO. Please refer to this list of 'helps' available for download
Continuation Option
LIPP Members must be offered the continuation option if they leave the Lutheran System.
Please notify Neale Forbes at the time of the members resignation, so that we are able to offer them the continuation option. Note: Members
must apply for this Option within 60 days of their resignation/termination. Neale is the only one legally authorised to follow up and give advice to LIPP members on this issue.
NB: If LIPP members are transferring to another Lutheran Employer, their existing cover will transfer, and the ‘continuation option’ will not be relevant. Likewise, if they have moved overseas, are on LIPP claim, are over 60 years old or retiring the option will not apply.
Form for members to return to GLIA is available for download
Please notify Neale Forbes at the time of the members resignation, so that we are able to offer them the continuation option. Note: Members
must apply for this Option within 60 days of their resignation/termination. Neale is the only one legally authorised to follow up and give advice to LIPP members on this issue.
NB: If LIPP members are transferring to another Lutheran Employer, their existing cover will transfer, and the ‘continuation option’ will not be relevant. Likewise, if they have moved overseas, are on LIPP claim, are over 60 years old or retiring the option will not apply.
Form for members to return to GLIA is available for download
LIPP Admin FAQ's
New Staff
Newly Eligible Staff Leave Without Pay Staff wanting to join LIPP after '30 days' has expired Leaving LIPP members |
Provide a LIPP brochure and LIPP Application form
Eligible staff have 30 days from their employment start date to join LIPP under Automatic acceptance or to decline Email a copy of LIPP Application form to GLIA. Commence contribution deductions from payroll. Include the new member on the next LIPP online return. From the date they become eligible - due to change in employment status - they also have 30 days to join under Automatic Acceptance. Same procedures as for New Staff (above) Explanation of how LWOP affects LIPP members available to download. Note on the next LIPP online return the start and end date of the LWOP The insurer requires a 'Personal Statement' to be completed. This will be assessed and either approved, approved with exclusions or declined by the insurer. Contact GLIA for a Personal Statement to be emailed If they are transferring within LEA / LCA - note their new employer on your next online contribution return If the member is leaving the Lutheran System they have 60 days to apply for a Continuation Option (see above) |
LIPP Claims
NB: If a LIPP member is considering reducing hours for health reasons - ensure they contact GLIA about a possible claim before they reduce their hours. This could mean being eligible for a Partial Disability Benefit based on their original full salary, instead of the reduced salary.
Please contact GLIA for claim forms.
Please contact GLIA for claim forms.
General Advice Warning
The advice on this website has been prepared without taking into account their objectives, financial situation and needs, and because of that, before acting on the advice they should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to their objectives, financial situation and needs.
The advice on this website has been prepared without taking into account their objectives, financial situation and needs, and because of that, before acting on the advice they should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to their objectives, financial situation and needs.