Member Information Lutheran Income Protection Plan
Are you Eligible?
All full-time or permanent part-time LCA and LEA Staff are eligible for the Age 65 Benefit if they are working 15 hrs/wk (0.4fte*) or more
*fte is 38 hours per week
*fte is 38 hours per week
Automatic Acceptance
This means all eligible staff (as per eligibility above) will be automatically provided with the Age 65 Benefit under the Plan provided they join within 30 days of becoming eligible. Automatic acceptance also means no health/medical or occupational questions are asked
LIPP Brochure
LIPP Application Form
LIPP application form available to download
Tax deductibility
LIPP contributions can normally be claimed as a full tax deduction on your tax return for that financial year.
Please note: GLIA is not a registered tax agent under the Tax Agent Services Act 2009; and if members intend to rely on the advice to satisfy liabilities or obligations or claim entitlements that arise, or could arise, under a taxation law, they should request advice from a registered tax agent.
Please note: GLIA is not a registered tax agent under the Tax Agent Services Act 2009; and if members intend to rely on the advice to satisfy liabilities or obligations or claim entitlements that arise, or could arise, under a taxation law, they should request advice from a registered tax agent.
Continuation Option
One of the benefits of the Lutheran Income Protection Plan is the ‘Continuation Option’ for members who leave the Lutheran system.
The ‘continuation option’ allows you to continue your cover as a personal policy with the advantage of the original Automatic Acceptance – i.e. cover is
continued without having to answer any medical / health questions (apart from the AIDS Declaration). The new cover is limited to either your existing cover, or 75% of your new salary, whichever is lower. Premiums are payable at the individual rate based on age, gender, smoking status, and new occupation, but cover is guaranteed to continue.
Members must apply for this Option WITHIN 60 DAYS of resignation / termination.
Reply form available to download
Continuation Option
One of the benefits of the Lutheran Income Protection Plan is the ‘Continuation Option’ for members who leave the Lutheran system.
The ‘continuation option’ allows you to continue your cover as a personal policy with the advantage of the original Automatic Acceptance – i.e. cover is
continued without having to answer any medical / health questions (apart from the AIDS Declaration). The new cover is limited to either your existing cover, or 75% of your new salary, whichever is lower. Premiums are payable at the individual rate based on age, gender, smoking status, and new occupation, but cover is guaranteed to continue.
Members must apply for this Option WITHIN 60 DAYS of resignation / termination.
Reply form available to download
In the event of a claim
Please request claim forms from your employer.
General Advice Warning
The advice on this website has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation and needs, and because of that, before acting on the advice you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your objectives, financial situation and needs.
The advice on this website has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation and needs, and because of that, before acting on the advice you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your objectives, financial situation and needs.